
Animal messages from your faithful pet (alive or deceased) / 2,5 pages

Animal messages from your faithful pet (alive or deceased) / 2,5 pages
Animal messages from your faithful pet (alive or deceased) / 2,5 pages

Animal communications: a free reading as comes to content, or you may pose questions. Only one animal per reading

152,00 €
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A profound, detailed and touching animal communication from your dear one: either an alive pet / farm animal or a deceased one (you may only order readings on animals that are yours; in case you order an animal message as a present to someone, you need to have an allowance from the animal's owner). You may either pose questions or order a "free reading". In a free reading your pet will communicate you things he or she feels a need to share the most. The communication is approximately 2 - 2,5 full pages (pdf-file, font 12) in length, each sentence filled with useful knowledge for you.

In case you want to pose questions, it can be almost on anything: practical details of your pet's life, a problem with the animal's behaviour or condition (please note that I do NOT do a medicinal diagnosis, in such a case you have to turn to a vet; however, locations of energy blockages in the animals etheric/physical body may be spotted in a reading), wishes or fears, karmic background or questions on the animal's overall character. 

In one order / reading you may pose questions on one animal only. 

In order to create and send you the reading, I must have the following information from you:

- a photo of the animal (preferably one where the eyes can clearly be seen)

- the animal's first name, age and sex (male/female)

- whether the animal is alive or deceased

- Your e-mail address in order to send you the finished text (as a pdf-file, or a Word-file if you prefer that)

There is a 'white box' at the bottom of the order formula while you are paying for your order. It should read 'additional information'. In this empty box you may sketch any additional information (such as the above info required on the animal) plus your questions. In case you can't attach the photo of the pet there, you may send the required photo to the official e-mail address of Space Dust Readings, which is: kosmisesta@gmail.com 

I look forward to your orders! All the best to you as well as your furry or feathery friends :-) 

- Pirja

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